I could just see it now how the Governing Body feels about this matter, they are blaming it all on Satan or at least making a connection with Satan behind the scenes like a master puppeteer.
Probably Apostates like us will get a blaming too for being behind the scenes with Satan and spreading the news at assemblies and other large gatherings. God these old brain dead farts got a lot on their plate these days with A Royal Charity review of it's charitable status, and all those cruel disfellowshippings they got under their belt it don't look good so I don't think they can rely on any public sympathy if things go to trial I bet the verdict will be not in their favor as I'm sure the company allowed an inspection and so I think the WT is stuck with the entire cost. After all they were dealing with a mining company with expert legal advice so I think is is tough luck for these guys in court any damages they collect will be minimal.
A classic example Jesus blind leading the blind is happening to these blind fools called the Governing Body. They must be shitting their collective pants over this one expect some real looniness in the form of more turds from these guys in the near future and let the games really begin.